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Trade Exim provide READING GLASSES import data in India with details like importers in India Exporter from oversees countries like USA, China, Germany France, Indonesia, Turkey, Thailand, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam and Singapore etc with price details including Import duty.

Content of data record are as Bill of Entry Data, H.S Code, Product Description, Value, Quantity, Unit Price in INR & USD , CIF Value, Custom Duty, Foreign Country port and more.

Import/Export records for the product READING GLASSES:

SB Date HS Code Product Quantity Unit Value in USD Unit in USD Foreign Port Foreign Country Indian Port Mode
11-04-2016 90049020 SMALL READING GLASSES (UN BRANDED) - 20000 PCS 2856.43 0.14 CHINA CHENNAI SEA
11-03-2016 90015000 READING GLASSES (UNBRANDED) - 750 DOZ 2257.46 3.01 CHINA TUGHLAKABAD ICD
11-01-2016 90041000 READING GLASSES 2750 DOZ 4138.68 1.5 CHINA JNPT SEA
11-07-2016 90041000 READING GLASSES 150 DOZ 304.23 2.03 CHINA JNPT SEA

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