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Foreign Trade Data
TradeGenius Global is one of the leading providers of import-export data to more than 50 countries in the world. We classify our data in export/import data, code classification, news, smart search and market research tool which actually allows you to know where your product is. We work to please our customers and hence you can say that our way of working is very customer-centric. We have specialization in offering data which is exclusively engineered for importers and exporters. As an importer or exporter you need to be cautious about your business and hence we provide you with the best import/export data to suit your needs. We make sure that our clients reach the new levels and find the benefits of the international business.


Day Month Year Export ID Date Operation Type Custom Country_Destination Type_of_transport Incoterms TOTAL FOB TOTAL CIF number of packages Gross_Weight ITEM NUMBER COMMERCIAL QUANTITY Commercial_Unit FOB ITEM HS_CODE PRODUCT CIF ITEM SUBITEM NUMBER BRAND Variety Attributes US$_FOB_Subitem Quantity_Subitem                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 1 862 Kilogramos  3879 2013000137 PECETO. BIFE ANGOSTO, COLITA DE CUADRIL, CUADRIL, CORAZON DE CUADRIL, TAPA DE CU 3373.06 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 862                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 2 2649 Kilogramos  11920.5 2013000943 NALGA DE ADENTRO. BOLA DE LOMO, CUADRADA, NALGA DE ADENTRO, NALGA DE AFUERA, GAR 10365.71 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 2649                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 3 1766 Kilogramos  7947 2013000142 CUADRADA. BOLA DE LOMO, CUADRADA, NALGA DE ADENTRO, TAPA DE NALGA, NALGA DE AFUE 6910.47 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 1766                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 4 2055 Kilogramos  9247.5 2013000141 BOLA DE LOMO. BOLA DE LOMO, CUADRADA, NALGA DE ADENTRO, TAPA DE NALGA, NALGA DE 8041.35 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 2055                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 5 691 Kilogramos  3109.5 2013000146 TORTUGUITA. BOLA DE LOMO, CUADRADA, NALGA DE ADENTRO, TAPA DE NALGA, NALGA DE AF 2703.93 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 691                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 6 1684 Kilogramos  7578 2013000153 CENTRO DE CARNAZA DE PALETA. CARNAZA DE PALETA, BIFE DE PALETA, CENTRO DE CARNAZ 6589.6 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 1684                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 7 1188 Kilogramos  5346 2013000115 BIFE ANCHO. AGUJA, HUACHALOMO, TAPA DE AGUJA, SOBRECOSTILLA, BIFE ANCHO, TAPA DE 4648.72 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 1188                
1 1 2015 14038EC01023183M 1/1/2015 Exportación a consumo Mendoza Chile Terrestre    103500 90087.7 2500 25000 8 965 Kilogramos  4342.5 2013000118 MARUCHA. AGUJA, HUACHALOMO, TAPA DE AGUJA, SOBRECOSTILLA, BIFE ANCHO, TAPA DE BI 3776.11 0 FRIGORIFICO ALBERDI   NA01-PC00- 4.5 965                

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