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Trade Exim offers access to the largest and most extensive collection of import and export data, covering international trade. Whether you seek to generate leads within your local market or expand your business globally, Trade Exim provides the essential resources your enterprise requires.
Trade Exim offers a comprehensive database to help businesses maximize their profits in import-export trade. Our database includes INDIA IMPORT EXPORT DATA on product values and quantities traded between countries and their trading partners. With one of the largest databases, we provide information on actual overseas importers and exporters from over 60 countries based on bill of loading and Customs records. We process vast amounts of data in a systematic manner to deliver useful and practical information to our members.
Our database covers all major ports, with approximately 150+ ports included, such as Tughlakabad (TKD) ICD, Patparhganj (PPG) ICD, Delhi Air (IGI), Faridabad ICD, Garhi ICD, Dadri ICD (All Dadri Ports), Loni ICD, Sonepat ICD, Ludhiana ICD, Amritsar ICD, Ahmedabad ICD, Ahmedabad Air, Bangalore Air, Bangalore ICD, Chennai Air, Chennai ICD, Chennai Sea, Cochin Sea, Coimbatore Air, Hyderabad Air, Hyderabad Icd, JNPT (Nhaa Sheva) Sea, Bombay Air, Bombay Sea, Tuticorin ICD, Tuticorin sea, among others.
Our database is available year-wise, covering 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, to provide businesses with historical insights to help them make informed decisions.
5000+ Well-known enterprises have chosen Trade Exim